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Обычно Используемые sendmail.mПараметры

Нескоторые предметы в файле sendmail.m4 требуются всегда; другие могут игнорироваться, если Вы можете избежать неприятностей со значениями по умолчанию. Следующие разделы описывают каждые из предметов в файле sendmail.m4 более подробно.

dnl #------------------ SAMPLE SENDMAIL.M4 FILE ------------------ dnl # (the string 'dnl' is the m4 equivalent of commenting out a line) dnl # you generally don't want to override LIBDIR from the compiled in paths dnl #define(LIBDIR,/usr/local/lib/mail)dnl # where all support files go define(LOCAL MAILER DEF, mailers.linux)dnl # mailer for local delivery define(POSTMASTERBOUNCE)dnl # postmaster gets bounces define(PSEUDODOMAINS, BITNET UUCP)dnl # don't try DNS on these dnl #------------------------------------------------------------- dnl # define(PSEUDONYMS, vstout.vbrew.com vstout.UUCP vbrew.com) dnl # names we're known by define(DEFAULT HOST, vstout.vbrew.com)dnl # our primary 'name' for mail define(UUCPNAME, vstout)dnl # our uucp name dnl # dnl #------------------------------------------------------------- dnl # define(UUCPNODES, |uuname|sort|uniq)dnl # our uucp neighbors define(BANGIMPLIESUUCP)dnl # make certain that uucp define(BANGONLYUUCP)dnl # mail is treated correctly define(RELAY HOST, moria)dnl # our smart relay host define(RELAY MAILER, UUCP-A)dnl # we reach moria via uucp dnl # dnl #--------------------------------------------------------------------dnl # dnl # the various dbm lookup tables dnl # define(ALIASES, LIBDIR/aliases)dnl # system aliases define(DOMAINTABLE, LIBDIR/domaintable)dnl # domainize hosts define(PATHTABLE, LIBDIR/pathtable)dnl # paths database define(GENERICFROM, LIBDIR/generics)dnl # generic from addresses define(MAILERTABLE, LIBDIR/mailertable)dnl # mailers per host or domain define(UUCPXTABLE, LIBDIR/uucpxtable)dnl # paths to hosts we feed define(UUCPRELAYS, LIBDIR/uucprelays)dnl # short-circuit paths dnl # dnl #--------------------------------------------------------------------dnl # dnl # include the 'real' code that makes it all work dnl # (provided with the source code) dnl # include(Sendmail.mc)dnl # REQUIRED ENTRY !!! dnl # dnl #------------ END OF SAMPLE SENDMAIL.M4 FILE -------

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